September's Best Breakfast

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1 loaf of local bread (many local options: Crumb Brothers, Eva's, Volker's, Vosen's, etc.)

2 eggs; plus more for frying (many options: Clifford Family Farms, other vendors at Farmers Markets)

1/2 C milk (Rosehill Dairy, Drake Family Farms

Dash of salt (real salt)

1 package of bacon (Farmers Market, Beltex Meats, Liberty Heights Fresh)

6 Local Peaches (Farmers Market, Harmons, etc)


Fry up as much bacon as you deem appropriate. SAVE rendered bacon fat, pour into a jar or keep in pan to use for the rest of breakfast.

Beat together 2 eggs, milk, and salt. Slice 6 1" slices of bread, dunk into egg mixture, flip, and fry in the saved bacon fat.

Wash and slice peaches, and give them a quick fry in some of the bacon fat. 

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